International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering
Published by Chaoyang University of Technology

Review Process

International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering is a professional and academic journal. All new submissions are screened using Turnitin plagiarism check. Manuscripts that pass plagiarism checks will be reviewed by at least two specialties or scholars under an anonymized review process, and the suggested manuscript will also be re-reviewed by the editorial board.


  1. The editorial board of International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering is a regular organization. Editorial board members are invited and assigned by the Editor-in-chief, and the Editor is selected from these members. Editors are not involved in decisions for papers that they have written themselves or have been written by family members or colleagues to which the Editor is related.

  2. Editors will invite at least two external reviewers for each manuscript. The invited reviewers should give an honest and exact analysis of the research. In the referrers’ reports, reviewers are asked to summarize the manuscript, give constructive analysis, and suggest accepting, reconsidering after revision, or rejecting the manuscript.

  3. The reviewers must hold a Ph.D. degree or equivalent to associate professor or above, and their field of research should be related to the under-reviewed manuscript.

  4. Once the required referrers’ reports are collected, the Editors will read the referrers’ reports and make one of the following decisions:
    ii. Minor revision
    iii. Major revision
    iv. Reject

    The Editor’s decision and comments will be directed to the Editor-in-chief, who will read the reports and make the final decision. If the Editor-in-chief agrees with the Editor's decision, the final decision will be sent to the authors. If the Editor-in-chief disagrees with the Editor's decision, the decision will be rescinded, and the manuscript will be sent back to the Editor for reconsideration.

  5. The Editor-in-chief should inform authors about the reviewers’ comments (acceptance, rejection, or revision). Authors can amend the manuscript, provide supplementary material, and rebut comments based on the reviewers’ suggestions.

  6. In the revision process, authors should send the revised manuscripts with the changes highlighted and a separate file with the point-by-point response of the reviewers’ comments to the journal office. Once the revised manuscripts are received, the original Editor will be assigned, and the reviewer(s) from the previous reviewing round will be invited.

  7. Only two papers written by the same authors can be printed in the same issue of the journal, the third paper will be published in the next issue.